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Hellweg 150 Series
Beside the machine granulators

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Series 150 - motor output: 1.5 - 4 kW

Revenue source: raw material savings through return of sprues

The Hellweg 150 series beside-the-machine granulators can be connected very easily to one or more injection moulding machines, due to their especially flat construction.
Extremely bulky sprue cores, sprue gating and complete sprue and runner systems can be removed after opening of the moulding tool and then ground on the spot. Introduction of material can take place as desired, with a chute, free-fall hopper or conveyor belt. Material can be removed by connecting freely available standard extraction fittings.
A tall rack is offered as an option to fill the ground material into a bulk container or bags. When fitted with an appropriate feeding equipment, the machines are used to process film edge strips.
mlyn stanowiskowy hellweg 150 od flexal machinery automation
broszura mlynki do tworzyw sztucznych hellweg seria 150 od flexal maszyny do przemyslu
Raw material savings through return of sprues

The benefits:

Techn. data:

  • Working width: 120 / 230 / 340 mm
  • Rotor diameter: 150 mm
  • Motor output: 1,5 – 4 kW
  • No. of rotor knives: 3
  • No. of stator knives: 2
  • Rotor speed: 280 r.p.m.
  • Nominal weight: ~ 170-280 kg
  • Grinding output: ~ 10-80 kg/h
Mlynki stanowiskowe do tworzyw. Wyposazone w sterowanie przystosowane do przemysl 4.0 industry 4.0
Model MDSi 230/150 - with optional Smart Control​
Młynki stanowiskowe do wtryskarek hellweg 150, ktrore sa latwe w czyszczeniu.

Acces for cleaning

The 150 series granulators can be cleaned very quickly. This is particulary advantageous with frequent changes in colour and material. Despite the narrow working width, the design allows for generous and free access to the grinding chamber and the sieve.
rotor mlynka tworzyw sztucznych hellweg 150 od flexal maszyny i urzadzenia dla przemyslu

Grinding chamber

Solid design, precise working and simple handling are outstanding features of a Hellweg granulator.

urzadzenie do podawania paskow brzegowych do mlyna hellweg 150 flexal machinery automation

Feeding equipment

When fitted with feeding equipment for cast films, the machines are also used for processing of film edge strips.
Mlynki stanowiskowe hellweg 150. Moga byc podlaczone do wtryskarki Arburg.

Collection chute

Hellweg machine-side granulators can be very easily connected with injestion moulding machines. The illustration shows a series 150 granulator attached by flange to an Arburg injection moulding machine.

High rack

A high rack is offered as an option to fill the ground material into either a collection container or a bag.
wlewki wtryskowe do mlyna hellweg 150 od flexal machinery and automation


The powerfull series machine-side granulators are ideally suited for granulation of very bulky sprue cores, gating and complete sprue and runner systems.

Get in touch!

Our technical sales representatives will help you to find a suitable solution for your application. Please don’t hesitate in contact with us.

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